Monday 8 October 2012

Week 2: 08/10/2012

This weeks blog is a little later than it should have been, due to personal reasons I was unable to attend the labs on Friday and complete the task that day along with my blog. However, I have completed the task and am now updating my blog too.

This week we learned more on waves and there properties, we also learned some formulas that help to find properties on waves if you already have some information.

For example V=d/t
Here V is the velocity of the wave; d is the distance it has traveled in metres; and t is the time it has taken in seconds.

Also V=f.lambda
Here V is the velocity of the wave; f is the frequency of the wave; and lambda is the wavelength.

During the class I took down some notes and diagrams to help me remember what all the different parts of a wave are.

When the lecture was over we were told to get a copy of some questions that were on moodle and attempt to answer them in the lab. Again as I was not in the lab, I got a copy today and made an attempt at answering them on my own. I feel that I managed quite well but I did contact a friend from class for some assistance.

When I completed the questions, I choose to write them out and then answer them in my note book so I could use them in future for any revision and also it helped to understand the question better. I have answered them all to the best of my ability using what I learned in class as well as the internet but I will ask my lecturer to have a look over the answers to make sure I'm on the correct track and not just coming up with my own answers that aren't right.

Also I had a look at a website about Standing waves here is the link:

That is all I have to say this week, I will be having another look over last weeks notes and another look over the question for this week too.

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